April 2013

Are you tired of meetings about meetings?

Are the meetings that are held in your organisation productive? Or is a lot of time and resource wasted through ineffective and pointless meetings? We've got some advice on how to ensure meetings = progress!

Master your Meetings

LGC ForensicsMeetings are a necessary tool in business to facilitate communication. They can be good, they can also be bad, and they can be downright ugly. Rather than enabling positive outcomes, poorly managed meetings waste valuable time and go little towards achieving objectives.

As with most things in life, the key to a successful meeting is planning. If you are well prepared the meeting is more likely to result in positive outcomes. Read our article on how to master the art of good meetings, with tips for managing a successful meeting and energising regular meetings.

Overcome Meeting Meltdown

LGC ForensicsIt is absolutely essential to communicate and collaborate with colleagues for business to run effectively but all too often we find ourselves wasting time in meetings that achieve nothing. Quite often so little progress is made we seem to be attending meetings about meetings!

A meeting needs a purpose, it should have an agenda and an actionable set of outcomes. The key is planning the meeting objectives, keeping the meeting on track and managing attention spans.

Find out more about our Making Meetings Effective workshop

Are you a meeting maestro?

Take our short quiz to gauge how effective your meeting management style is.

1. Do you create an agenda for your meetings?
2. Do you give people time to prepare for the meeting?
3. Do you have a start and end time for meetings?
4. Do you take minutes?
5. Do you assign actions with deadlines?

If you answered mostly ‘Yes’, you are on track to chairing effective meetings so keep up the good work. If you answered mostly ‘No’, then you might consider implementing some of our tips to get better outcomes from your meetings!

Fusion 4 You

Training Solutions

Personal Skills

Management Skills

Communications Skills



Featured Courses

Chairing Meetings

1 day workshop

Minute Taking

1 day workshop

Effective Time Management

1 day workshop

Free Meeting Advice

Book one of our featured courses and we will come in and observe/analyse a meeting in your company and offer ideas to improve efficiency, productivity and save time at meetings.

Click here to enquire!

Our Top Tip

Always have an agenda for a meeting, and stick to it, it will keep you on track and ensure the meeting concludes on time

Call us on 07866 760401 for a no obligation consultation to help you define your training requirements.

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